ALC Films: Swamp Date

Submitted by preston.powell on

This month the students of Mr. Arnold's Advanced Video class took a field trip to the Provo River to shoot their first short film, "Swamp Date." Starring Taylor Curtis and
Madi Swenson, it tells the story of an awkward first date out on the river. Despite rumors of people disappearing in the area, the couple stick with their plans of an afternoon of canoeing. Watch the film to find out what happens!

Brandon Arnold

ALC - 3D Graphics and Animation : ROBOTS!

Submitted by preston.powell on

In my 3D Graphics and Animation class the students are learning how to use Blender, a software package used to create 3D graphics and animation. The first assignment was to model, surface shade (color), and render a Robot using Blender. The students where so excited I had a hard time keeping them focused on anything else. Everyone did a spectacular job! Attached are a few examples.

Preston Powell
ALC - Digital Media Instructor

Robots by Devin E., Brandow W. and Braden S.


Submitted by alan.ashton on

Students, Parents, and Patrons are invited to an open house on October 23 & 24 from 4:30 - 7pm.  Come and explore the classrooms and visit with faculty memebers.  Student work will be on display and several programs will have demonstrations.  Check the website for more information and updates.