Stepping UP to College

Submitted by anna.palmer on

Representatives from many state colleges and universities will be gathered at UVU on Wednesday, March 19, 2014. You and your family may attend presentations on the importance of college and how to prepare for and pay for college. 

The presentations will be held at UVU's Sorenson Student Center from 6:00 - 8:00 pm on Wednesday, March 19th. Representatives from the following institutions will be available to answer your questions:

Story by Anna Palmer

Sterling Scholars

Submitted by anna.palmer on

We want to congratulate the Sterling Scholars who attend ALC. These students balance quite a bit in addition to their classes at ALC. Way to go, students!

Maple Mountain High
Skilled & Technical Science: Tucker Lund
Visual Arts: Rachel Everett

Payson High
Business & Marketing: Rebecca Brown
Computer Technology: Alex Parker
Science: Zach Ethridge

Salem Hills High
Instrumental Music: Josh Mason

Springville High
Visual Arts: Andre Parkinson 

Story by Anna Palmer

No ALC Classes on 2/26

Submitted by anna.palmer on

ALC classes will not be held on Wednesday, February 26th. It is Nebo District's Teacher Development Day. Distance Learning classes will run as normal. "A" day classes will resume on Thursday, February 27th.

Story by Anna Palmer