Teacher Education

Elementary Education Program
This program is designed to create a streamlined pathway for Nebo Students interested to transition directly to UVU's Elementary Education program and potential intern teaching positions within Nebo School District.
Nebo School District students who successfully complete the courses outlined in following link, with a minimum of a cumulative 2.7 UVU GPA will be granted admission to the UVU School of Education's Elementary Education Program. Classes must be taken during High School through UVU's Concurrent Enrollment program. Admittance to the Elementary Education program will take place after one additional semester at UVU. NSD & UVU Elementary Education Pathway Link
Intro to Teaching **(EDEL 1010) | UVU Concurrent Enrollment - Full Year
1 Credits HS (A20100C)
2 Credits CE
**2 Period Block with Digital Ed Applications
PreReq: Must have own transportation
Fulfills High School Career & Technology Ed (CTE) Graduation Requirements
This two-course series is for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of education. Students will have the opportunity to intern in the classroom of an elementary or secondary teacher in the district, giving them opportunities to teach and interact with students. In this course, students will explore the following:
Careers in education
How to form relationships with students
Lesson and curriculum planning methods
Teaching strategies
Classroom management techniques
Digital Ed Applications **(EDEL 2200) | UVU Concurrent Enrollment - Full Year
1 Credit HS (A20100C)
2 Credits CE
**2 Period Block with Intro to Teaching
PreReq: Must have own transportation
Fulfills High School Career & Technology Ed (CTE) Graduation Requirements
(2-hour block with Intro to Teaching) This two-course series covers the limitations of computer applications for children. Students will be prepared to engage elementary children in appropriate technology activities and learn the following skills:
Criteria for selecting software appropriate for children
Strategies for teaching computer skills to children
Hands-on experience with computers
**Teacher Education Series Blocked for 2 Periods for a Total of 4 Credits**(the 2 classes above).
Children's Literature (EDEL 2330) | UVU Concurrent Enrollment - Fall Semester
1 Credit HS (A44232C)
3 Credits CE
Fulfills High School Career & Technology Ed (CTE) Graduation Requirements
This class focuses on:
Current and classic children's literature from birth - middle school
Variety of children's genres
Quality of children's literature
Newberry and Caldecott award winners
Reading motivation
Increasing reading enjoyment
Exceptional Students (EDSP 2400G) | UVU Concurrent Enrollment - Spring Semester
1 Credit HS (A44242C)
3 Credits CE
Fulfills High School Career & Technology Ed (CTE) Graduation Requirements
This course covers the role of teachers in the inclusion of exceptional students by working with parents and specialists in developing the following:
Individual educational plans for exceptional children
Introducing characteristics and special needs of exceptional children who have all or some of the following exceptionalities:
Curriculum modification planning for special needs students
Ethical behaviors specific to teaching exceptional children