Kudos to Mary Anna Lowe

Submitted by anna.palmer on

In honor of National Custodian Day, we applaud Mary Anna Lowe, Head Custodian at the Advanced Learning Center. Mary Anna has worked at the building since 2007 and within the Nebo School District for twelve and a half years. Originally from Evanston, Wyoming, Mary Anna and her husband (who works at Taylor Elementary) currently reside in Payson where they have five llamas, four dogs, and one mule. Mary Anna, mother to three children, enjoys sewing, piece quilting, hunting, camping and caring for her eleven grandchildren. In fact, Mary Anna is featured in a youtube video where she shot her first mule deer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZcHKCBlgWA&list=PLD35F6BA5EA40CC90

Article by Anna Palmer. Photos by Brandon Arnold.

Tear It Apart and Fix It!

Submitted by anna.palmer on

Today in Mr. Dougan's A+ Computer Repair class, twelve students tore apart a computer by removing all the inside pieces and then reassembling it. The students hooked the computer back up with the keyboard and monitor, then turned it on. After fixing a few glitches, the computer worked! SUCCESS!!


Article by Anna Palmer. Photo by Richard Dougan

Screening of "Buck" & Meet the Director

Submitted by anna.palmer on

Recently Mr. Arnold’s film students participated in a field trip to the Covey Center for the Arts. There they viewed a special screening of the documentary “Buck” hosted by Sundance Institute. This film was actually the Audience Award winner for the “Documentary” category at the 2011 Sundance Festival. Afterwards, students returned to ALC for lunch and an exclusive Q&A with Director Cindy Meehl. What an incredible opportunity this was for students to meet with a Film Director in person to ask questions significant to their field of study and, more importantly, their potential future careers.

The link below directs you to a short YouTube video that gives a little background on filmmaker Cindy Meehl and what the film “Buck” is all about.

Pictures by Ruth Everett, Story by Anna Palmer

Healthcare Career Fair 9/11/13

Submitted by alan.ashton on

Healthcare Career Fair 9/11/13

ALC students participated in a district-wide Healthcare Career Fair recently. In addition to visiting three healthcare professionals, students were able to suture pig’s feet, hold removed body parts, analyze medical scans, and dress up like surgeons among other things. Many different fields were represented, including:

Article by Sean Curtis