February 2023

RepairWare At the ALC

Submitted by shelley.heaton on

We live in a world where technology is used every day. Almost all small businesses and home offices use computers and they depend on them to be working properly. Every person either has a mobile device at home or at school. 

Shelley Heaton


Open House a Huge Success

Submitted by shelley.heaton on

We had quite a few people come during the past two days, to "EXPLORE, DISCOVER, get excited to CREATE" their future here at the ALC.

 Many thanks to those that came and participated and thanks to the faculty and staff for making our ALC Open House such a huge success.

 We are exited to see the amazing students getting signed up and putting course requests in for the 2023-2024 school year.

Thanks again to all that participated in any way. It was a great two nights.

#ALCBeCurious #ALC #ExploreDiscoverCreate #NeboSchoolDistrict #EngageStudents #UVU #ALCHistory #OpenHouse

#TheClimb #NeboHero #NeboSchoolDistrict #StudentSuccess #EmpowerStudents #EngageStudents #FocusOnStudents #LoveUTpublicSchools #UtPol #UtEd

Shelley Heaton


Submitted by shelley.heaton on

We would like to wish our ALC counselor, Ms. Natalie Grant, a happy Counselors Week.

Many students don't have the smoothest experience when going through school. That's where a school counselor comes into play—helping to ease students of all levels (from elementary school to college) through these often rocky years.

School counselors are trained to give valuable assistance to students, helping them with their academic goals, as well as their social, personal, and career development. With their help, students can navigate problems a bit easier and with confidence.

Here at the ALC, we have an amazing counselor. 

Shelley Heaton


Submitted by shelley.heaton on

Just wanted to remind you that tonight, February 6 and tomorrow, February 7th, is our ALC open  house. 

 Come and meet the teachers, tour the school and see all the great things happening here at the ALC.

 We look forward to seeing you. The open House will run from 4-7 p.m. both nights.

Shelley Heaton

Top TEN Tips for Raising Children with Special Needs

Submitted by shelley.heaton on

Top TEN Tips for Raising Children with Special Needs
Thursday, February 9, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

This class will go over parenting tips specific for parents of children with disabilities, including:
Grief with a new diagnosis or challenge
Dealing with crisis
Parenting Techniques that work
Advocating for your child
Controlling your level of stress
Dealing with unwanted advice
Having laughter and hope in the journey

Register to Attend via Zoom

Lana Hiskey